QLEAP ENEF Energy Management System
DEMO presentation
Energy efficiency, budget
control and consumption forecasts
QLEAP ENEF is a unitary energy management system through which you can optimize consumption and fit into budgets by identifying points with high consumption and improving discipline in production.
Also, if the cost level of energy bills is variable and difficult to control, an energy monitoring solution helps you negotiate contracts with energy suppliers favourably through accurate consumption forecasts, obtained through the latest Machine Learning technologies, but also develop energy supplier-compliant collaboration and comply with ISO 50001 standard.

ENEF integrates IoT technologies and is an integrated part of Industry 4.0
In order to best meet the needs of companies, QLEAP ENEF integrates IoT and Industry 4.0 technologies. In this way, the equipment "communicate" with each other, offering added value, dynamism and performance in production. Through a balanced combination of digitization, process automation and quick access to information, major positive changes in terms of efficiency and productivity can appear, all in an increasingly competitive business context and an interconnected global network.

QLEAP ENEF is a practical energy management system for:
- integrating critical processes from your production with the IoT module
- the use of KPI/OEE indexes, which are very important in production, for the most accurate traceability and visualization of the production process at any time
- interconnection with other software platforms, where data transfer can be bi-directional and fully automated
- digitization and integration of works in Industry 4.0 and later in Industry 5.0, a concept based on AI (artificial intelligence) and Machine Learning module (ML)
- monitoring of compressed air losses, air quality, hydraulic oil quality, vibration monitoring in motors, compressors, pumps, fans etc.
Software Functionalities
- Data collection and database formation for the history report
- Transmission of this information to the collecting point
- Processing of the data collected
- Generating real-time alarms and checks
- Display of the measured quantities via the human-machine interface and take over configurations and commands
- Generating reports, configurable on user profiles
- Measurement of the quantitative and qualitative parameters at which internal energy consumption and distribution is made
- Measurement of utility consumption (electricity, water, natural gas, compressed air, heat)
Customizable application
- Accessible from any location, via the Internet, as dynamic web pages, by authorized and authenticated users
- Configurable by user type or profile
- Provides the ability to generate reports automatically at programmable intervals
- Provides the possibility of extending the network with the necessary measuring points, with no limitations
- Allows you to organize measurement points in any configuration, by cost centers, production area etc.
- Provides the capability to integrate a variety of sensor types or processes
Real time monitoring solution for

Technical gases
Compressed air

Natural gas

Temperature & humidity

Thermal energy

DALI illuminated protocol
Benefits of QLEAP ENEF energy management system
Failure to identify energy losses is the biggest problem of energy efficiency in industry.
A single hole of 1 mm in a compressed air transport and distribution network, at a pressure of 7 bar, generates annual losses of approximately 6,27 MWh/year (at a specific consumption of 0,18 kWh/Nm3 air produced) and financial losses of more than 800 euros/year.
Viewing specific energy consumption on the product unit provides greater clarity on cost and efficiency.
A specific consumption of 0,15 kWh/Nm3 to produce compressed air is considered good. However, the latest technologies and equipment ensure a specific consumption of less than 0,11 kWh/Nm3 of compressed air.
The energy management system for analyzing consumption data and reporting helps to take and validate decisions on interventions and investments in energy efficiency.
Replacing a main column of compressed air-carbon transport with an aluminum column leads to 1,3% energy savings, 3% increase in air transport capacity and 900 euros/year cost savings.
Exceeding the allocated budgets creates problems within the company and leads to time losses for justification, relocation or finding additional funds.
With QLEAP ENEF, you know in real time the actual cost of the energy consumed.
Monitoring can help you make clear decisions with an immediate impact on energy efficiency.
Closing the access to two floors of underground parking during the week and controlling parking lighting and adjacent areas (full/partial or dimness closure) results in an immediate decrease in consumption of 49,4%.
Unnecessary consumption (machines in stand-by, lighting in empty areas etc.) represents a significant percentage of the energy bill.
The annual stand-by energy consumption of all office appliances used in the 27 EU countries is estimated at 9 TWh. Stand-by power consumption is responsible for around 1% of global CO2 emissions.
Real-time viewing and alarming as parameters evolve helps to make quick decisions and avoid unscheduled stops. In order to increase reliability, the quality of distribution, energy consumption, incidents and damage that have occurred can be analyzed, and major defects can be prevented.
By setting alarms in QLEAP ENEF, a problem with a motor operating in two phases was immediately identified and an intervention was planned for remediation, avoiding an unplanned shutdown of the section. An unplanned shutdown causes a downtime of at least two hours and costs over 15,000 euros/hour.
Schedule an online presentation of the energy management system
Measurement and monitoring of KPI
- Investment recovery in less than 6 months for electricity and steam and about 1 year for natural gas and compressed air
- Eliminate penalties caused by exceeding of peak load limits
- The possibility of selecting the optimal type of contract and the supplier by generating consumption forecasts; thus, energy can be purchased under the most advantageous conditions
- Technologies selection to reduce the CO2 footprint
- Accurate determination of the energy efficiency of plants/sites or specific areas
Energy legislation
At the international level, the best known and most used is the ISO 50001:2018 standard for energy management, which is based on the efficiency cycle: Plan-Execute-Measure-Act (Plan-Do-Check-Act ). The QLEAP ENEF application complies with the requirements of this rule.
At the same time, the energy management system supports the implementation of the ISO 50001:2018 standard which in the Law no. 121 of 2014 on energy efficiency specifies in chapter IV, art. 9, paragraph 11, that "economic operators consuming annually more than 1.000 tons of oil equivalent energy and implementing an energy or environmental management system certified in accordance with relevant European or international standards, they are exempted from the development of an energy audit every 4 years."
Law no. 101 of 1 July 2020 to modify and supplement Law no. 372/2005 on the energy performance of buildings - the purpose of this Law is to promote measures to increase the energy performance of buildings, taking into account external climatic and site conditions, interior comfort requirements, of an optimal level, from the point of view of costs and energy performance requirements, as well as for improving the urban aspect of localities.
Energy performance of the building - energy calculated in accordance with the methodology laid down in art. 4 to meet the needs of normal use of the building, needs which include in particular: heating, hot water preparation, cooling, ventilation and lighting.
Client portfolio

— Mihaela ForgaciuPreh Romania
„Prin prezenta, Preh Romania S.R.L. isi exprima aprecierea fata de colaborarea cu compania Quartz Matrix.
Colaborarea noastra cu compania Quartz Matrix a inceput in anul 2014 in urma achizitiei softului e-Net pentru monitorizarea consumurilor energetice.
In anul 2021 am hotarat sa facem un pas important: tranzitia la versiunea noua de soft – ENEF. Initial, doar un modul de baza pe toata partea de consumuri energetice, insa in scurt timp am facut un upgrade si pe partea de senzoristica pentru a putea monitoriza temperatura si umiditatea din interiorul halelor de productie, alaturi de un modul de alarmare prin email si SMS, foarte important in cazul in care sunt depasite pragurile setate in zonele critice. Recent, am extins softul prin integrarea unor senzori de presiune corelati cu electrovane care pastreaza presiunea in retea in limitele stabilite pentru o buna functionare.
ENEF, softul pentru management energetic, ne-a ajutat sa monitorizam consumurile de energie si sa analizam in detaliu zonele de consum, sa realizam si sa transmitem raportarile catre DEE – ANRE/ME si sa fundamentam deciziile de interventie, astfel incat sa putem reduce consumurile inutile. In plus, cu ajutorul softului ENEF putem monitoriza indeaproape zonele critice unde trebuie pastrate anumite conditii (T&H), prin care ne asiguram ca parametrii procesului de productie sunt respectati, si avem posibilitatea de a asigura protectia instalatiilor si reducerea downtime-ului prin interventia rapida in caz de alarma sau defect.
In concluzie, recomandam compania Quartz Matrix ca fiind un colaborator profesionist si de incredere pentru orice companie cu care va relationa.”
The QLEAP ENEF application was fully developed by the Research-Development department of the company Quartz Matrix and can be configured according to the specifics and needs of the client .
Contact our specialists and carry out the energy efficiency plan for your company.
QLEAP ENEF makes the activity of the departments more efficient
- Efficient in energy consumption budgetary planning by cost centers and activities
- Efficient in evaluating actions to reduce energy costs
- Efficient in identifying technologies to reduce energy consumption and environmental impact
- Efficient in selecting the type of energy supplier on the most favorable terms
- Efficient in keeping track of the consumption and distribution parameters, the quality of the agent and the distribution
- Efficient in data analysis to identify and eliminate internal distribution losses and inefficient use
- Effective in preventing damage by setting alarms and analyzing incidents
- Efficient in calculating energy intensity on locations or areas
- Efficient in the precise calculation of energy costs as a component of operational costs
- Efficient in assigning energy costs to profit centers
What you get with an energy management system?
You know at any time how much energy is consumed at every point of consumption, no matter where it is and how many. Check your energy consumption, check your compliance with the estimated consumption, quickly detect anomalies (overruns or lower consumption).
The measurement and retrieval of energy consumption data is done automatically, through the QLEAP ENEF system, without the need for human intervention and travel to the point of consumption. All you have to do is access the QLEAP ENEF software application on your laptop, PC, tablet or phone and view the consumption data for each monitored point, from anywhere and anytime . Eliminate the costs of dedicated staff for meter reading and travel costs. QLEAP ENEF ensures centralized, simple and efficient monitoring of energy consumption.
QLEAP ENEF will help you in making energy management decisions by using real-time consumption data, consumption history on each monitored point, reports with the evolution of various quantities for periods of 1 day/week/month/year.

Monitoring energy consumption through European POIM funds at Infopress Group
For several years, the company has been considering the implementation of an energy consumption monitoring system in order to reduce the costs of electricity, natural gas and compressed air consumed for nothing or lost at the enterprise level.

Power consumption monitoring with ENEF
The customer needed a system that would provide him with real-time data on electricity consumption, so that he would know exactly how the energy cost represents in the production cost.
How it works
Presentation brochure
Learn more about how the energy management system works.