Evaluate energy performance and identify points to reduce consumption

Monitor consumption and streamline the use of energy resources and utilities

Plan maintenance, reduce downtime and increase operational efficiency
Quartz Matrix
Mission Statement
“We constantly develop high quality services and offer complete and innovative solutions, based on the latest technologies, so that all our clients to always achieve their goals.”
General Manager
Mihai Suchar

Over 30 years
of experience
Turnkey energy efficiency
Industrial energy
Benefit from a whole and clear image of energy efficiency (by energy segments: electric, thermal, compressed air) for the company's internal processes.
Find out which are the wastage on the input areas, production, distribution and consumption and identify measures to improve energy performance.
Improvement solutions
Maintain a high level of electrical energy quality to achieve high efficiency in operating consumer equipment and machinery.
Rely on authorized services for the design and installation of energy equipment.
Improvement solutions
IoT allows the transformation of a factory into an ecosystem in which all the machines used in the production process work harmoniously. Switch from a closed communication system to an open one in which the factory and the equipment send to you real time consumption, operating state, alerts, notifications so that to streamline production, correct possible errors and reduce expenses.
Energy management system
Customers profile
Extractive industry
Manufacturing industry
Automotive industry
Petrochemical industry
Construction industry
Industrial platforms
Water companies
Energy suppliers
Heating companies
Public transport
Transport & distribution
of electricity, methane gas,
Commercial & retail
Schools & universities


The main thing we gained with the transition to the KMR system was that it helped us simplify the process of submitting maintenance requests. It helped us solve the problems of tracking work activities, managing parts and tracking the history of interventions.
With the help of KMR, the intervention time has been reduced both by the information received in real time and by the ability to automatically generate notifications for the planned maintenance and by the ease with which the information is transmitted. We also easily follow the processes from the department and generate activity reports
— Mihai Barbarosie (Energy Manager)Silcotub
We confirm the quality offered by Quartz Matrix company within the project for carrying out complex energy audits for the three SILCOTUB factories in Calarasi, Zalau and Campina.
A Quartz Matrix team was dedicated to performing measurements, taking data from our installations, interpreting and analyzing them. As a result of the analysis performed, for each factory, a plan of energy efficiency measures was developed. For the three factories, we were proposed 15 measures that would lead to a total saving of 887 toe/year. Thus, we recommend Quartz Matrix to other companies for performing energy audits.
Tehnoplus Medical Service
Luand in considerare ca principalele domenii de activitate sunt productia, comercializarea si service-ul echipamentelor medicale, ne-am dorit sa monitorizam si sa fluidizam procesul de mentenanta si service plecand de la fluxul intern actual al documentelor. Astfel, impreuna cu echipa Quartz Matrix, am personalizat fluxurile de lucru din aplicatie si am modificat fisele de lucru dupa modelul intern: fisa constatare tehnica, fisa intretinere/ revizie periodica, fisa reparatie accidentala, instalare, actualizand interventiile cu statusul potrivit: programat, ofertat, comanda, facturat, anulat etc. Odata cu implementarea KMR (KMR fosta versiune a solutiei Q.Leap 4 Maintenance) avem procese mai eficiente, timp mai scurt in operatiuni, astfel incat sa alocam resurse pentru imbunatatirea serviciilor oferite clientilor si cresterea afacerii. Rolul sistemului KMR pentru managementul mentenantei este primordial pentru ca ne ajuta sa fluidizam cat mai mult procesele din spate, permitandu-ne sa urmarim in timp real activitatile de service planificate si sa mentinem o evidenta a clientilor si o situatie actualizata cu interventiile.
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