O noua versiune - un salt catre digitalizare Odata cu lansarea noii versiuni a aplicatiei,...
Tema de la client In urma efectuarii unui audit energetic de tip industrial, in conformitate...
Gestionarea inteligenta a unui oras se poate realiza prin sisteme de monitorizare, control si management...
Toate companiile au probleme specifice de capital si, din pacate, investitiile in proiecte de monitorizare...
Project type: Carrying out energy audit of industrial compressed air installations Industry: Sanitary ware manufacturer The company in ...
Interruptions, changes, closing of the business activity are opportune periods for IoT systems integration, process improvement ...
The protection of the equipment is mandatory if you want to avoid their catastrophic damage and significant losses ...
The need for industrial consumers to have an energy consumption monitoring system in order to be able to implement the ISO 50001: 2011 standard and to avoid auditing every 4 years.
Generator sets can be set up both as backup sources for power supply systems with ...
DETAILS LARGE INFRASTRUCTURE OPERATIONAL PROJECT Beneficiary: Infopress Group SA Industry: Printing of magazines and commercial publications ...