Client portfolio

Energy Efficiency made easier with QLEAP ENEF

We are focused on excellence and, together with our partners, aim to achieve our globally established sustainable development goals. We work with trusted partners who share our values, which is why we choose Quartz Matrix as a solution provider for energy and utilities efficiency to reduce costs.
Autoliv Romania, leader in the automotive safety systems market, achieves performance by investing in innovative solutions for process efficiency and cost optimization. We are constantly looking for new ways to keep us at the forefront of the automotive industry, including the fight against climate change.The QLEAP energy and utility monitoring platform, through the ENEF solution, gives us a detailed and real-time perspective on all consumption in our factory in Brasov. Thanks to the system’s functionalities, our team identified the real causes of water consumption losses and solved this problem that was making the production process more difficult.”
Corneliu Antal, Facility Manager at Autoliv
Sustainable Digital Transformation with QLEAP KMR
“QLEAP KMR, the maintenance management solution, allowed us to efficiently optimize the operational processes in our production facility. The implemented system allows us to speed up the step towards sustainable digital transformation and organize activities efficiently: from preventive and predictive maintenance to managing the intervention budget. The flexibility and scalability of the solution allows us to customize the modules according to our specific needs and thus successfully carry out our day-to-day operations, leading to long-term success.”
Gabriel Constantin Țepuși, Facility Team Leader – Security Services Facility Management&ESH / Vehicle Networking and Information
ODLO Romania
Optimizing operational processes with QLEAP KMR
We truly believe in a lean manufacturing philosophy as a way of life to reduce waste through continuous improvements to achieve best quality, on time delivery at the right price. We focus on new technologies and ways to digitalize our factories to increase productivity. Working with our partner, Quartz Matrix, has given us the opportunity to solve a problem that prevented us from achieving our productivity goals. Thanks to the QLEAP platform, through the QLEAP KMR solution, our company members manage to identify the downtime of the equipment and increase productivity.
Sampath De Silva’s, Administrator of ODLO România S.R.L
Îmbunătățirea continuă a proceselor operaționale cu QLEAP KMR

‘’Suntem mulțumiți de saltul către digitalizare pe care îl facem în fiecare zi. Alături de partenerii noștri de la Quartz Matrix reușim să abordăm digitalizarea la cele mai înalte standarde de performanță. cronologistik ne permite să avem acces la informații în timpul cel mai scurt posibil, din orice locație, datorită mobilității interfeței web. Performanțele echipamentelor noastre se datorează soluției KMR datorită abilității de detectare a anomaliilor. ‘’
Relu Brebeanu, Technical Manager la Lemet
IG Watteeuw Romania
ENEF system implementation for energy consumption monitoring
"The collaboration between IG Watteuw and Quartz Matrix spans over 10 years already. We are happy to have a business partner, a collaborator, and not just a simple provider of business services. In addition to other solutions and services, we also opted for the energy management system, ENEF, developed by Quartz Matrix. With the help of an initial analysis, developed customizations, technical support and project management, we managed to implement a really useful solution, through which we successfully manage energy consumption"
Cristian Teodoru, Plant Manager
ENEF system implementation for energy consumption monitoring – product developed by Quartz Matrix

"At Cummins Romania, the equipment we own is diverse, and the consumption commensurate. We want to offer our customers the best solution in terms of operating cost and reliability. Quartz Matrix also came to us with the same proposal. They offered us a software at a reasonable price, which will optimize our costs regarding electricity consumption, but will also give us an overview of the consumption in our factory. Thus, we were able to identify areas with increased consumption, areas where anomalies occur, but we were also able to act on them in real time. Following the energy audit, 28 electricity monitoring points, 6 compressed air monitoring points and 2 natural gas monitoring points were installed. All the steps went naturally, I benefited from all the support from the team, and the improvements are visible."
Statement by Mihnea Cornea, General Manager of Cummins Generator Technologies Romania SA
Monitorig electricity consumption using e-Net® - product developed by Quartz Matrix

The client carries out its activity in automotive components production and the control over the final production cost of the products represents a key element for the competitiveness in the market.
The customer needed a system that would provide real-time data on electricity consumption, so that he knew exactly how much the energy cost represented from the production cost.
For the control of electricity costs, we recommended the installation of the e-Net® system that monitors the energy consumption at distribution and equipment level. In 2011 the customer implemented the e-Net® system in the factory for 20 measurement points targeting the largest energy consumers. From year to year, convinced of the benefits achieved from the implementation of e-Net®, he extended the system to over 900 measurement points which currently fully monitor the electricity consumption of the factory. Thus, by using e-Net®, the client has achieved effective electricity costs management, known how much the energy cost represents from the production cost and streamlined electricity costs.
Within this project, Quartz Matrix provides project management for system extensions, as well as its maintenance within a service contract with guaranteed SLA 24/7.
Electricity and complex audit for SILCOTUB S.A. factories

Silcotub is part of Tenaris company - the world's largest pipe manufacturer. Silcotub is the most important Romanian manufacturer of small diameter seamless steel pipes used in various applications in the mechanical industry, automotive, oil and natural gas, chemical and petrochemical industry, energy industry.
"We confirm the quality offered by Quartz Matrix company in carrying out complex energy audits for the three SILCOTUB factories in Calarasi, Zalau and Campina.
A Quartz Matrix team was dedicated to making measurements, retrieving data from our installations, interpreting and analyzing them. As a result of the analysis performed, for each factory, a plan of energy efficiency measures was developed. For the three factories, we were proposed 15 measures that would lead to a total saving of 887 toe / year. Thus, we recommend Quartz Matrix to other companies for energy audits, too.” (Mihai Barbarosie, Energy Manager, Silcotub)
Use of e-Net® solution for monitoring energy consumption

The factory knew a continuous modernization which involved the increase of equipment necessary in production and at the same time the increase of the production volume. Beyond the positive effects of modernization, it has led to the impossibility of tracking electricity consumption by sections and production lines. Thus, the factory needed a system that would provide real-time data on electricity consumption.
As a result of the energy audit performed by Quartz Matrix team, it was recommended to install an energy management system for the electricity distribution system to the production lines. The solution included a flexible structure for measuring electricity consumption, having a RS485 data network for: 27 electricity measuring points for distribution buses and power panels that have three-phase electronic meters, provided with RS485 serial communication.
It was installed e-Net® software application with remote access via web interface which connects to RS485 networks via IP addressable serial servers. Its installation was performed on a dedicated server, from the client's IT room.
For ARCTIC company, the implementation of e-Net® system brought only benefits and this is confirmed by the extension of the system with another 43 measuring points, a project carried out in 2016.
Carrying out complex audit
Chipita is part of the fastest growing food industrial sectors. Chipita brands are internationally known and their products are available to consumers in 56 countries, either directly or through strategic partnerships.
„CHIPITA ROMANIA collaborated with the energy efficiency department of Quartz Matrix to carry out the complex energy audit in order to reduce the electricity consumption within the factory. Following the measurements performed by Quartz Matrix engineers, they developed the energy audit and proposed 9 measures and actions plans to increase energy efficiency. We hereby confirm the professionalism and skills of Quartz Matrix team in carrying out energy audits." (Ionel Gradea, Technical Director, Chipita Romania).
Electricity and complex audit for:
- Petrobrazi Refinery - the necessary measurements were performed for the energy audit in normal operation of consumers at the level of medium voltage supply cells electrical equipment from:
- Deep connection electrical stations SRA 1, SRA 2, SRA 4
- 6kV electrical substations. On the 6kV side, measurements and recordings of the evolution of energy consumption parameters were performed for:
- 121 power transformers
- 43 power lines in cable (nozzles) thin power supply 6 kV
- 43 electric drive motors for pumps and compressors
- Cogeneration TG1 and TG2 turbogenerator group - 26.5 MW
- ASSET IV MOESIA SUD – LEA 20kv BACIU (For the electricity balance, the energy contour was established at the level of transformer substations, the local supply panels of the consumers where measurements were made on each active distribution)
- ASSET VII MUNTENIA EST – BATERIA 17 SCAIENI (For the electricity balance, the energy contour was established at the level of the local supply panels of the consumers where measurements were made on each active distribution and for the thermal power balance the energy contour was established at the level of steam boilers)
- ASSET VII MUNTENIA EST – BATERIA PARC 4 URLATI (For the electricity balance, the energy contour was established at the level of the local supply panels of the consumers where measurements were made on each active distribution and for the thermal power balance the energy contour was established at the level of steam boilers)
Electricity audit for “TERMINAL CIMENT” Cluj work point
For the electricity balance, the energy contour was established at the level of the local supply panels of the consumers where measurements were made on each active distribution at the level of transformer substation.
Energy audit
The energy contour was established at the level of the pumps for supply of raw material, the inputs in the energy contour being considered the measurements performed at the supply bars of the pumps.
Complex energy audit
The outline of the audit was established at the level of:
- departures from the general distribution board
- chiller pumps
- air treatment plants
- compressor station
- plastics injection machines
- production hall lighting
- exterior lightning
- pump assembly line hall
- fuel unit assembly line